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My name is Savannah, and I am sixteen years old. My name might sound familiar because I am the founder and owner of Savannah Kares. Let me tell you about my story! When my mom was pregnant, I was diagnosed by the doctors as having CCAM. CCAM is a disease in which a mass is usually located in one lung, and it does not function as normal lung tissue.  When I was six months old, I had lung surgery to remove my CCAM.  I had the right lower lobe of my lung surgically removed. When I was two, the doctors informed me that I have asthma. Asthma is a condition that makes it hard to breathe with symptoms such as wheezing, coughing constantly, and experiencing shortness of breath.


Everyone doubted me. They told me that I was not fast enough or strong enough. I would hear, “You are a kid with a disease, and you should not play.” When they said that, I kept working harder and harder. I was an athlete who played basketball, swim, and soccer. I even became one of the fastest girls on my team.

This is how an idea of starting an organization came to be. I want people to know that they should not try to be perfect. I want them to learn to be unique and be themselves. I want people to show their talents and open up to people without being shy. I want people to know they are awesome and different. Remember this when you feel lost: Don't be a copy, Be Unique!

Greenville, SC


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